Hello I'm
Front End Engineer
Based in Panama


Jonathan Ortega


November 3, 1989


Panama City, Panama




(507) 6677-7103


I'm an enthusiast human being who loves creating amazing experiences with code. I specialize on front end development going form consistent and well structured HTML and CSS, passing by pretty complex responsive sites to SPAs working with Javascript. I have accumulated a rich experience through every project that I worked on not only on the tech side, but also in the team dynamic, professionalism and personal values. I'm a beliver that "every experience have something to teach".



Tech Lead
at Modop
December 2015 - Present
  • Ensure requirements on tech side for projects like websites or web applications.
  • Provide strategies to the development team that adjust and solve problems during the projects.
  • Code review and task assignment on development team.
  • Provide growth strategies and training programs for team members.
  • Provide tech standpoints and solutions to critical situations from development team to production teams.
Front End Developer
at Modop
May 2013 - Present
  • Web development for websites & web applications for advertisement and marketing campaigns.
  • Web markup with HTML5 and CSS3, fully crossbrowsing and responsive designs.
  • Design architecture and develop for Single Page Applications using JavaScript frameworks like Backbone.js/ Marionette.js, or simple developments with Vanilla JS or JQuery.
  • Tracking implementations based on goals and user intereactions on websites and SPA, with Google Analytics and Omniture.
  • Expertise with responsive design patterns for styling via CSS, using preprocessors like Sass and Stylus. Also experience with PostCSS settings and plugins.
  • Experience with Scrum and Agile methodologies.
Junior Web Developer
at Xeux Innovations
Sept 2011 - Jul 2012
  • Mark up and styling of websites. Creaion and modifications of themes for Drupal or Wordpress.
  • Development of mobile applications on Android.
  • QA testing on web applications and websites Consultancy on web technologies and services.
  • Project management and costumer services for client support.